Tuesday, October 7, 2008

OK, now this is the last award

.... and the award for worst way to end a season: Well folks, this one was a close one. It was down to two teams, the Cubs and the Angels. And the winner is.... The Angels and this is why. Listen, the Angels were on their way back into this series, into having all of the advantage over the Red Sox going into Game 5. If anyone could pull it out against the Sox it would have been the Angels. They had just dramatically come back in the game to tie it up in the 8th. They had landed a nice left-right-left combo and had Boston against the Ropes. Then, in the top of the ninth they got a lead off double, a sac bunt to put the runner on third and only 1 out! And what do they do? They blow it. Can't you get the bunt down? Really??? Is it that hard. It wasn't the most amazing pitch ever, it was buntable. Then I think it was Willits who messed up going after Bay's ball. If he had just played it off the bounce and kept it in front of him there's no way Bay is getting to second. You'd have a runner on first, 1 out and you'd have your infielders at double play depth. They could have easily gotten 1 out on the next batter and then who knows? Thanks Anaheim, you had a chance to knock out the champs and you blew it. Nothing against the Cubs, it was a nice way to end the season getting swept by the Dodgers, and believe me, not only did I call it but I knew it would help people forget about the Mets. And then the Angels helped somemore. Well, at least I can sleep a little bit better knowing this. Lets go Rays! Or whoever wins the NL(please be the Dodgers).


Unknown said...

The Angels made a ton of fundamental mistakes that whole series. It was quite pathetic for a 100 win team. That guy has to get that bunt down no matter what. It seemed like he had no sense of urgency. Did he not know this was the biggest AB of his life?

Also, I forgot to mention Roger caught the garter in my recap. He really snatched that thing. There are a few unconfirmed reports that he went too high on Amy's leg as well. Hopefully Maureen doesn't read this.

Unknown said...

Perotti your recaps are astounding. There is nothing left for me to say. I do think we should harp a little more on how massive the dessert spread was.

I will now handicap who will get married next.

Roger has a head start on all of us: he has a girlfriend. Roger is a genuinely jolly guy and seems like he would make a caring husband and father. But - I don't know the ins and outs of his relationship, and a lot of couples date for an extremely long period of time before they become engaged or married. Roger, if you want to shed some light on this go ahead, if not - it is your business.

Kohanski also has some things going for him. He has his own beautiful house and is a very charming person. He is a good entertainer and I think it wouldn't be difficult for him to snag a girl if a single one comes to one of his house parties. Or, another scenario would be that a desperate girl who needs a stable and dependable guy would seek someone like him. However, Kohanski admits that he is shy and he has no prospective girlfriends on the horizon. Still, not bad chances for Koho.

Perotti is the longest of shots to get married first. He is more shy than Kohanski and his odds are also hurt by a lack of physical stature (this has been improving with frequent trips to the gym). We all know that Jim is a nice guy but first impressions count, and Jim hasn't shown the pro-level confidence and motivation to acquire a girlfriend. He does make girls laugh with his jokes at work. If Perotti uses online dating his odds will improve.

ROB 5-2
I am the slight favorite to get married first. I am not afraid to talk to girls, though still wouldn't go up to one in a bar - the setting needs to be right. I have maintained a 3 year long relationship in the past and it wasn't my fault it ended. I believe I have the physical tools to attract a mate. On the downside, I am in the Army and this may scare away some women. I do have a secret prospect that I am working on right now - perhaps soon I will be able to unveil her as my girlfriend.

Mike I don't even know you outside of the blog so you don't get any odds

Everyone feel free to offer your own predictions

Perotti and Koho, can we do something really fun this weekend? I think we need to learn how to have fun without Malone

KOHO said...

I would comment on the dessert table, but honestly I don't remember it. All I know is I have some in my fridge, still not sure how it got there. Did Michelle's mom stop by??

I agree with most of your odds Rob, but I have to say that I would put Roger as the slight favorite since he already has Maureen. I am not doubting your ablilites, it just that the odds are in his favor. I also agree the with assessment of myself, although I do not want to go with the desperate girl approach. I think thats more Perrotti's style (I would change his odds to 792-1.

In terms of this weekend, I am free on Friday night. Little question for you about Saturday night...my cousin is going to be up from Florida so I will be doing something with her. Might hang out over here (also opening night of wolf pack $10 tickets??) Would you want to do something with us??? Please....(I know where your thoughts are, but I wouldn't go there...trust me)

Roger Kuhrt said...

Rob I like the odds. I think the only thing that would stop me from being next is a shotgun wedding. We've talked about getting married and it'll probably be summer 2010. That gives you guys an idea about when you need to get married by to beat me. My friend Mike is already married and does have a child on the way. I'm guessing Malone will be next in the child department. I'm guessing 9 months. What do you guys think?

Unknown said...

Okay Roger is now a huge 2-3 favorite after shedding more light on his situation. We wish you the very best Roger.

Perotti's odds drop to 148-1 based on his non-response and Kohanski's suggestion. Perotti's odds will improve to 96-1 if he begins using online dating.

Malone did tell me once, maybe about a month ago, that they would be waiting a while to have kids after Michelle worked for a while and had time to save up money. But we'll see, he has a huge house and plenty of room for kids. He also works from home twice a week and would in theory be able to care for the kids during these days.

Kohanski - your cousin must be really hot huh????

KOHO said...

oh yea...haha

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

I disagree with your odds. Now, I'm going to prove you wrong. "It's Just Lunch" ETA 2009.