Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Happy Hump Day

So, it's Wednesday. One of our servers went down today so I've been "on lunch" since 11:10. I'm suppose to be working now that the server, I think, is back up but all of the sales reps went to lunch so I get an extra 50 minutes of break today, ha ha. I was thinking about saying something, but eh, I won't.

So last night I got to watch another amazing episode of Jericho. I really love how this season is shaping up. The writers have done a great job with the storyline and keeping everything going. I really hope they bring the show back for a 3rd season, or at least extend this season. Unfortunately there's only 2 episodes left, which blows. There are only 8 episodes for season 2 and the first two episodes didn't really FEEL like a Jericho episode. Don't get me wrong, they were good I just felt like they were something else. I was getting back into the show and I wasn't having the feeling that I had from the first season. Luckily they were able to get back to what makes Jericho great. That seems kind of hard on the first couple episodes but I felt that the first two episodes were just how the characters felt. It was an emotional mess because of everything that had just happened in the show, which is understandable. Sadly, I'm going to miss the show and when this season is over I'm going to have to live with not knowing the fate of one my favorite shows! And I swear, if they cancel the show I'm going to send 1 ton of peanuts to the show so they'll put it back on again!

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