Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Cartoon vs. Movie - The Real One part 1.

Sorry, after the title I hit Enter and apparently that publishes the post. Oh well. Anywho, Perrotti suggested this topic for me to post about and it's basically just comparing cartoons to their movies and what I think about them.

Cartoon - Now, the first two seasons of the transformers cartoon were really good. I remember enjoying the show and the characters. I got the toys and I had transformers clothes(probably just underwear, but whatever). Now, my sophmore year in college and friend of mine brought up a box of tapes that he had made of tv shows and he had a few of transformers, so we would sit around on a saturday afternoon and watch a few episodes so the episodes are a little bit more fresh in my mind. So, like I said before the first two seasons of the show were great. But then they made the mistake of having a season 3. What annoyed me was that all of the new autobots and decepticonz all came together and formed bigger robots. That just seemed stupid and annoying and they all had weird colors that I didn't like. Also, they had Optimus Prime come back and he was a bad guy or something. I don't know, it just seemed kinda stupid, but that's just me.

Cartoon Movie - By far THE BEST CARTOON MOVIE EVER! I'm not kidding you. This movie was amazing! I could watch it any day. What I liked best about this was that they actually killed off characters! Not only that, but they killed of Optimus Prime. You're going to tell me that that wasn't the most shocking moment in movie history? Who goes and kills off the leader & most popular character of a show and do it out of nowhere? And the new characters they added in where awesome too! They had that guy who spoke really fast do the voices of the new characters. Plus, the soundtrack was great! They had the hair metal version of the theme song. There was that Weird Al song, Dare to be stupid. Man, just great. Lastly, I think Leonard Semor(can't spell. the guy that played Spok). You just can't go wrong with this movie.

Movie - Now, this past summer Hollywood finally came out with the live action movie. It was really good. I thought the special effects were good and they didn't go overboard on it. The human characters were pretty good and the plot was solid. I'm becoming a Shia Lebleof fan and I thought he did a good job in this movie. Plus, the chick he liked was hot. Really hot. The one thing that I missed, though, was that they didn't have Soundwave in the movie. He is by far my favorite Transformer. Hopefully he'll be in the second movie when it comes out in 2009/2010.

G.I. Joe:
Cartoon - When I was growing up I wanted to be one of two things. Either the Karate Kid or a G.I. Joe. This cartoon was just great. Yeah, I know that the characters were pretty stereotypical, but I didn't know any better! All I cared about was G.I. Joe saving the world, even though they really couldn't shot anyone(honestly, if you're suppose to be elite soldiers, you'd think you get at least lucky once in a while and hit someone in the head!). I think I've seen all of the episodes except for one and I swear, every time that episode is on I miss it. Ugghhh.

Cartoon Movie - This movie ranks just behind the Transformers movie. It was great because they turned Cobra Commander into a snake. Made one of the Joe's blind. I think Duke almost died. It was just amazing, but I probably need to watch it again. I think I remember some new species with animals or something like that. It's been a while people. I just remember I liked the movie, just not as much as the cartoon or the Transformers movie.

Movie - Yeah, this movie hasn't come out yet, but I'm still looking forward to watching it. I'm excited that Ray Park is going to play Snake Eyes. For those of you not familiar with Ray Park, he was Darth Maul and he played Toad in the first X-Men movie. I think they just began filming the movie now so we'll have to wait for the trailer and then the movie. Hopefully it'll be on par with Transformers.

Cartoon - I'm not going to write about the comic because that would take years, just the tv show that was on Fox. This was probably the best cartoon that I've watched. I liked it better than transformers and gi joe. It's probably because they destroyed shit and then cut people up. They had great characters like Wolverine and Gambit and Rogue and Professor X. And the bad guy were great. And also they had the Sentinels! It was just an all around great show and there was no way that after school I would miss an episode. I don't care if you need one more for baseball, I'm watching this show!

Movie - Unfortunately none of the three movies lived up to the cartoon. The first movie was entertaining but it was pg. Eh, it should have been at least pg-13. The second movie was the best and the third movie was okay but the ending was dumb. I'm sorry but there's no way wolverine could just walk up and kill the Phoenix. No way. Of course, I did like that they killed off Cyclops. He was a bitch. But, I thought they screwed up some of the characters for the movie. They didn't have Gambit, which was the biggest mistake. They made Rogue to be a 15 year old chick. Plus they didn't have the Sentinels! WTF? How did these mistakes slip through? Well, they're coming out with Origin movies so that could be pretty sweet. First up is Wolverine. I'm hoping they do more because there are soooo many characters in the Marvel universe. Only time will tell.

Cartoon - This movie ranks right behind the X-men. I thought they did a great job with the plot of the show and the episodes were usually great. I liked how they went with the Joker and that they gave him a side kick. The episodes with Robin weren't annoying, which is really good. It was also nice when they had special guests in the show.

Movie - Well, these movies were either hit or miss. I liked the first batman, batman forever, and the new batman. The Dark Knight looks like it's going to rock and I can't wait for the other ones. Batman Returns was too dark for me. I don't know, I just wasn't a fan of what they did with the penguin. I thought the cartoon penguin was better. Sorry, Danny. Then there was Batman & Robin, probably the second worst movie made about a cartoon(after catwoman). I'm upset I've seen it, though I hope that they have Bane in the new batman movie and do the storyline where Bane breaks Batman's back. They also need to do the "A Death in the Family" story line where the Joker kills Robin. Those are two of my favorite storylines with Batman and could be done really well in movies. Or really really bad.

Well, I've run out of time for now. I'm going to continue tomorrow with the rest that I can remember, he he.

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