Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I guess something important happens tonight, but I can't remember

Okay, why are you guys stopping over in Cleveland on the way to Vegas? I really can't go, I have no money, ha ha. Plus, I guess I should start saving for an engagement ring. I hope all voted for Nader. It would nice for him to get 6 votes this year. Well, I'm going to wait for all the votes to come in before I write anything about the election so I thought I'd put up some links to things I find funny, once again most coming from deadspin. This first one though, does not.

#1. http://www.empiremovies.com/movie/fanboys/11518/preview

I saw a preview for this movie over a year ago, actually I think I watched it one Saturday when I was working at ticketnetwork while waiting for my lunch to get delivered, ha ha. Anywho, it seems pretty funny.

#2. http://deadspin.com/5075707/oaks-christian-has-an-overabundance-of-famous-progeny

What are the odds that Nick ends up at Notre Dame since his brother Nate is already there? Also, Joe why didn't you name your sons with first names that start with J? Is there no Joe Montana, Jr?

#3. http://deadspin.com/5072329/seven+year+old-football-fan-meets-erin-andrews-inspires-a-nation-with-video

If only Uconn would play a game that Erin Andrews would go to then you guys could be like this kid.

#4. http://deadspin.com/5075984/the-real-question-here-is-who-felt-the-need-to-foul-him

Now we know how to get MCC, or is it MCTC? onto the news.

#5. http://deadspin.com/5075742/hey-thats-hate-speech

I thought this was pretty funny. It made me laugh out loud at work and made people look at me funny. Well, they were probably looking at me funny already but whatever.

Well, I'll probably end it here with the links for you guys. Just some fun for you. I must say that I'm happy that Quinn is now the starter for the Browns. I'm not sure how it'll end up, but it'll be interesting. I'll be away this weekend so I'll try to put up one more post by Thursday and that'll probably my last one until Monday.


Unknown said...

We're stopping over in Cleveland because it's cheaper. We're taking Continental airlines. That is, if Koho can ever get a hold of this lady to finalize it. It's like you were meant to come Roger. We are stopping in your home state. At the very least you have to buy a plane ticket so that you can go to the Cleveland airport and greet us when we de-board the plane. I think you at least owe it to us to do that.

I'm glad Obama won since I voted for him, but it's ridiculous how racist the south still is. McCain almost won every southern's states electoral votes. Oh well.

Perrotti, are you gonna post the picks tonight? Isn't there a game tomorrow?

Unknown said...

Malone - who is more racist: the South who you claim (without supporting evidence) voted for McCain out of racism, or black people who 95% of which voted for Obama? If there was any racism in this election, it come from the 95% of blacks who voted for the black candidate. Only 55% of whites voted for the white candidate.

Check past election results - the south always goes Republican due to the philosophical similarities between average southerners and the Republican party, much like how New England always goes Democrat. So get a clue, and please don't brand entire regions of our country as racist.

Unknown said...

The south is more racist than the north, it's a scientific fact. Where did you get those numbers? 95% of blacks voted for Obama? On my ballot there was not a spot to mark off my ethnicity. Your facts are as good as mine. And I've seen past elections, it's not entirely red in the south like it is this year. I understand the south has always been more republican than the north, but you can't claim that racism isn't still at large in this country, from both blacks and whites.

(By the way, I have no right to be arguing about this, I'm about as ignorant as it gets when it comes to politics and stuff like that, but I just enjoy a good debate.)

KOHO said...

Exits polls showed 95% black vote for Obama. Rob did not make that up.

KOHO said...


Link from CNN for exit polls, 95% black men and 96% black women voted for Obama. Now you tell me where race comes into play on this one. It's ridiculous. No kidding they were voting on races, come on now.

Unknown said...

Thanks Koho, I agree that number is nothing short of astounding. It seems like a lot of people voted based on color, not on character or qualifications.

I guess if the Democrats find a black person to run for president in every election, they can always count on winning.

Unknown said...

Rob, blacks are still minorities, so a lot of white people had to vote for Obama. Therefore not every black man that runs for president will win. Obama is just a hell of a speaker and has great charisma, which is why he won by so much.

I already saw all the exit polls Kohanski. Look at the specific polls for each state, in particular the states in the deep south like Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana. Yes, the blacks voted solely on race (95%+ of them voted for Obama), but so did the whites. Above 80% of white people voted for McCain in the deep south. Then if you look at the numbers, only 13% of voters were black, therefore there were way more whites voting, so their racism definitely overwhelmed the black racism. (I have no idea if that makes sense, but it does in my head)

Regardless, my point stays that America is still a racist country. I never said only white people were. The south is clearly more racist than the north. The exit polls prove it.

Unknown said...

Jacksonville Jaguars
6 1/2

Tennessee Titans
2 1/2

4 1/2
Buffalo Bills

New Orleans Saints

8 1/2
St. Louis Rams

9 1/2
Seattle Seahawks

MINNESOTA VIKINGS 2 1/2 Green Bay Packers

Carolina Panthers
8 1/2

15 1/2
Kansas City Chiefs

PITTSBURGH STEELERS 3 1/2 Indianapolis Colts

3 1/2
New York Giants

1 1/2
Baltimore Ravens

9 1/2
San Francisco 49ers

Unknown said...

Patriots, Seahawks, Giants, Titans

Unknown said...

Does the Thursday game not count? If it does I'd take the Browns.

4. Chiefs over Chargers
3. Titans over Bears
2. Ravens over Texans
1. Falcons over Saints

Other games:
Seahawks over Dolphins
Packers over Vikings
Rams over Jets
Bills over Pats
Jaguars over Lions
Panthers over Raiders
Steelers over Colts
Giants over Eagles
49ers over Cardinals

KOHO said...

I don't even want to comment on Malone's flawed logic.

KOHO said...

So since the north voted black it makes them less racist? You are really offending me, my mom is black.

Unknown said...

"So since the north voted black it makes them less racist? " - Koho

Absolutely! What part of that statement is incorrect Koho? Would a racist white person vote for a black person to become the President of the US, the most prestigious position we have? Think about it.

Also, where is my confirmation email on the Vegas trip Koho? Did she not send it? And where the hell are your football picks?

KOHO said...

So why are you saying the south is more racist since they voted white? As they do in every other election so this is no different. So they are racist since they voted like all other elections. Just because someone votes balck doesn't make them less racist, but when you have 95% of their population voting for them, something's up. I didn't vote for him, but it had nothing to with his race. This is why the country is going down the tubes. I am moving to Canada.

I do not have the confirmation, I will give her a couple days to send it then I will call again. I am so pissed I am not making football picks this week. Thanks Malone.

Unknown said...

I agree with Rob and Koho, but I have to run, I'm late for my meeting.

I hate your picks Rob. However, I enjoy your spirit and your drive to improve. Malone's picks aren't bad. Kohanski, I'm disappointed.

Unknown said...

OK, this is the last I'm saying on it. Koho I don't understand your argument. It sounds like you are on my side now. Clearly 95% of all blacks voted for Obama (even though he's a mulato, but that's neither here nor there). You can't say that is all due to "racism" though. This is the first time a black person has been nominated for president in a major party and this is the chance black people and other minorities have been waiting for. It gives them all great hope that a minority can become such a big part of American society. People all around the world are rejoicing that a black person was voted president.

I'm not saying that whites are more racist than blacks or vice versa, I'm just saying that the south is much more prejudiced than the north. You don't see the same large gap in numbers in the north as you see in the deep south. 98% of blacks in Alabama voted for Obama, and 88% of whites voted for McCain. Obviously since there are a lot more white voters, their majority ruled and McCain came out ahead for them. It didn't matter if 100% of black people voted for Obama, McCain would still have gotten the electoral votes because so many white people voted for him. Something just doesn't seem right there and if you guys want to turn a blind eye to it then fine. I'm done arguing.

Oh and Rob and Koho are racist for voting for McCain. Grow up you two.

Unknown said...

I'd like to congratulate the 2008 New York Mets on their Gold Glove Awards

Unknown said...

Wright and Beltran deserve it, they both are amazing defensively. What are the Dodgers thinking offering Manny that much money? Anyone else think that they're retarded for that?

Unknown said...

I was kind of joking about the Gold Gloves Malone, it's sad that those are the only things the Mets have to be proud of

Unknown said...

Oh I'm sorry, did the Red Sox win the World Series and I just missed it?

Well your rip on the Mets did not go as planned. It was taken as a compliment and now you can't take it back. Sorry. They have a lot to be proud of, including being the first team to ever blow a 7 game lead with 17 games left. That's in the history books whether you like it or not. Plus they just signed the best pitcher in baseball and we have him for 6 more years. I think the Red Sox's best days have passed unfortunately for you, but the Mets have a bright future.

Unknown said...

85% of blacks voted for Bill Clinton, 90% voted for Gore. As the republicans have reached out to their deeply religous/conservative/racist "base" it's no surprise they've also alienated groups on the opposite end of the spectrum.

Also, many blacks never thought they would see one of them in the most powerful position in the world, and its no surprise that they would do what they can to aid that cause. If you consider that the same type of racism as a white man not voting for Obama because he does not think the black race is mentally capable of being president, or does not want to be led by someone he views as inferior to himself because of his skin color, then obviously no message board post will convince you otherwise.

Unknown said...

Malone, when's the last time you've been to the south? I think it would be interesting to see if the Republicans had a minority candidate if the south would vote the same way. I think that might be the true test.

Lock picks

4 - Panthers
3 - Titans
2 - Chiefs
1 - Jaguars

Unknown said...

I think Michael nailed what I was trying to say. Thank you for taking my side and understanding what I was getting at. The rest of you need to just open up your minds.

I don't know if the Panthers are a lock Perrotti, but I'm glad to see you at least went with some of my picks this week.

Roger, can you come to Connecticut for Saturday December 6th? There is a $25 hold'em tournament at my house with your name on it.

Manny will revert to his lazy playing as soon as he signs. Mark my words.

KOHO said...

Well we all have our differing opions, so I think we should just let the topic rest. Malone, so is the date decided to be the 6th?