Monday, February 11, 2008

The Beginning

Hmmmm.... well, I'm not really sure why I started this. I guess just to get me to start writing again. I've become somewhat lazy, I guess. What? Me?!? Lazy? Never. But yes, I have become lazy. I keep on thinking of new ideas to add into my books and new books to write, yet I don't do anything about it. Oh well. Also, the way that I look at it, if Stephan A. Smith can have a blog, why not me???? Exactly. I'm not sure how this is going to work or what I'm going to write about. Like the title says, I really can't think of anything creative. I tried to come up with something funny to title this blog, but I couldn't. Maybe in the future I will. We'll see. I hope all of you who aren't reading this(everyone in the world) are having a great day. Or at least not freezing cold like me at work.


Unknown said...

Amazing blog. You should write for the blind.

Roger Kuhrt said...

Thanks Malone. I'm glad you like it. It makes me feel happy inside.