Thursday, March 27, 2008


Sadly, once again one of my favorite tv shows has died and gone to tv heaven. And actually, for the second year in a row it's the same show. As was announced either early this week or late last week, Jericho was cancelled. Last year it was cancelled and the fans responded by sending a few tons of peanuts to the execs of CBS and they brought the show back. Unfortunately they only brought it back for 8 episodes for a mid season showing to see how fans responded. Well, as you can tell not as many fans watched it to have CBS keep it. Or at least, not enough when it originally aired. See, the problem is is that Jericho has either led or been at the top each week for downloads from itunes. In fact, in one week there were 750,000 downloads of the shows. That doesn't also count for the people who dvr'd the show. That's one thing that is unfortunate now about tv shows is that you really can't tell how many people are actually watching the show because not everyone watches the show when it originally airs, especially with the what technology there is now. It's really hard to tell. One thing about the Jericho I'll miss is the fact that they never really took an episode off. You know, there were never any episodes where at the end I didn't care if I saw that episode or not. With most tv shows there are always a bunch of those each season. With Jericho there wasn't. Season one was just one great episode after another. I really thought that they had a balance to show. The plot was always good for each week and they also had enough character development that made me care, or in some cases, really hate a character. Every week I looked forward to what would happen in the world of the citizens of Jericho, Kansas. Now, the biggest problem that I think really killed the show was a DUMB decision that the execs made for the show. Half way through the first season they put the show on hold for 3 months! Who does that? Who would think that this would make any sense? I just didn't understand how this would be good for the show? Would this make sense for any other show? Just think if during a season of 24 they decided to put it on hold for 3 months? Or Friends, Seinfeld, American Idol, 2 and a half men? And it showed when it resumed after 3 months. Before the break the show was averaging about 15 million viewers. After, it averaged around 8 million. This season it's been around 6.8 million. Just not enough to keep it alive on network tv. Now, my one hope is that one of the smaller cable channels picks it up. It would be cool if someone like TBS or maybe USA, TNT, F/X or probably the best fit would be the SciFi channel(that's because reruns of the first season are on it, he he). I just think that the SciFi channel could have a really good night if they had Jericho & then Battlestar Galactica back to back. Wouldn't that be a good 2 hours of tv or what? So, I'll be hoping that this happens. If not, I'll be waiting for season 2 to come out on dvd and then I'll be able to watch the entire show whenever I want. Plus, there's an alternate final episode out there. Hopefully that'll be on the dvd. On another note, if you're CBS, why don't you come out with a smaller channel(like how Fox has F/X and ABC has ABCFamily) and put on there shows that had a decent fan base, but not big enough to keep on the major channel? Wouldn't that make sense? They've already cancelled two shows that I love and would be great to be on that show(Jericho and The Class) plus they could show reruns of their biggest drawing shows like Survivor and 2 and a half men and those CSI shows. Wouldn't that make sense? You're telling me that if a show like Jericho which would bring 6-7 million viewers to the smaller channel wouldn't help it win that time spot against the other lower cable channels? Just a thought.


Unknown said...

Hey Roger, an off topic comment.... but MLB 2008 The Show is amazing. I'm in the process of bringing a young center fielder up through the Orioles system. Did you play last year's version? In Road to The Show mode, you don't have to play entire games... you just play your player's at bats or defensive chances.

Roger Kuhrt said...

See, the problem with me is that I love to do the fantasy mode. I like to be the gm and do trades and sign free agents, draft players, and stuff like that so I never did any of that stuff. I had the game last year and I'm really into the game this year. I think the other features are really cool but I just don't play them, he he. That had that same feature for road to the show in last year's game. but, it is an amazing game. I'm 17 games into my new season.