Friday, March 7, 2008


So, here is my entry about Battlestar Galactica that I meant to post yesterday, but because of time(lunch was over) and my mind(that tangent) I couldn't fit it in how I wanted to. So here it is.

This is the backstory. Apparently humans were created and lived on this one planet. For some reason that I can't remember they split up into 12 colonies. With the advancement in technologies humans created robots to do their dirty work, called Cylons. Just like in Terminator the robots revolt and there is a huge war that goes on. The cylons used the networks in the ships against the humans and were able to start winning the war. Finally a peace agreement is reached and the cylons go away. Before they leave there is a outpost that is set up for the cylons and humans to meet once a year and talk about things. Well, the cylons don't show up for 40 years. Now, the main ships in the star fleet are called Battlestars. The story takes place on the day that the Galactica is going to be retired. Now, the Admiral of the Galactica is Adama. After the war he disabled all networking on his battlestar because he saw how the cylons used it against them. So, on this day the cylons decide to return and completely destroy the human race. But the thing with the cylons is they no longer look like your typical robot. They now look human(just like in the Terminator), but with these cylons when you kill one of them they don't disappear, their "soul" or memory is automatically sent to another body and they start off as if they didn't die but hit the restart button. Now, the cylons really didn't return the day the series starts, they had returned a while ago only no one could tell because they look and act human. In fact, many of the cylons that are in the human population don't even know they are a cylon until they're activated.

After the attack by the cylons most of the human civilization is gone. In fact, there is less that 50,000 humans left. In fact, the person who is then becomes president is the person who's in charge of education for the president because everyone above her is killed. So, you can see that the human race is in a bad shape.

What I love about this show is that it's not all special effects. It's not like the remake of War of the Worlds where the story sucked and didn't really make much sense but the SE were pretty cool, the story and character development are really great. I've been really impressed with how much ease it took me to get into the series, enjoy the story telling, how strongly I've liked or hated certain characters and also the cliff hangers that they put out there in the series. The writers have done an awesome job. Also, don't get me wrong, the SE for this show are really great. What I like is that it doesn't look cheesy or too unrealistic. It's not like the animals or bad guys in I am Legend where you can tell that it's all CGI stuff. The star ships look cool and I like how the smaller starfighters work in space. It took me a little bit to get how they worked because i was sooo used to how X-Wings, Y-Wings & TIE Fighters flew in Star Wars.

So, now I am preparing for season 3. I've heard that it's the favorite season for some people. Honestly, it's hard to say which season is best so far(even though I've only watched 2) as they're both really really great so I have high hopes for season 3. And then I'll be onto season 4. I can't wait.

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