Monday, February 9, 2009

The End is the Beginning is the End

So it's been 364 days since I've started this blog and there have been some very good chats that we've had over the time. I'm really surprised that it lasted this long because of how lazy I am but I'm pretty proud of how much I've written. We had some good discussions along the way that were a lot of fun and I've enjoyed hearing everyone's oppinion. I also like being right about A-rod, even with what's going on now with him, he he.

But, with all good things, they must come to an end. I am sad to say that I will be ending this blog for the time being. It's not that I don't want to write it it's just that I find myself with less and less time and instead of this blog being something fun that I enjoy writing in I find it more of a chore that I'm trying to fit into my life. I don't really think this would be fair to it so that is why I am ending it. It was a fun time chatting with everyone about our lives, most about sports, and reading what you guys think and making fun of each other. When I first started this my job was boring and I had internet access at my desk. When I changed jobs I had an hour long lunch that still enabled me to write as much as I was before. But, unfortunately things changed and I only had a half hour lunch which surprisingly kept me away from writing at work, which seemed to lower my production in writing over the past few months.

Now, I'm not saying that the blog is over for good because, well I am looking for a new job but I'm also applying for another position at work that may allow me to have more time to write more here and put better effort into this here blog. And believe me, if that day comes along I will definitely let everyone know. So, until then I guess we will have to catch up via other means, like the phone or more likely, facebook, ha ha. I do have some good ideas for things that I would like to write about but I will wait until the time that I start writing again.


Unknown said...

Good Riddance

Unknown said...

I think I have no other choice but to kill myself since Roger's blog is dead

KOHO said...

I think it's time for the Robert Smith blog.

Anonymous said...

One less Met fan spitting venom in the blogosphere. It's a good day... Just kidding Rog. Your blog will be missed by at least a half a dozen people, myself included.

Unknown said...

Nice, my boycott worked.

Unknown said...

Apparently everyone saw this coming. Roger you really let down less than half a dozen people.

So, now that the biased blogwriter is out of the picture, what does everyone think of the A-Rod fiasco? I'm interested to know both Yankee and non-Yankee fans opinions. As a neutral Mets fan, I couldn't really care less that he used PEDs and I wasn't all that surprised by it. All this does is show that most players in the game used them, and you can't throw out records in the steroids error becuase as A-Rod said, it was the "culture" in baseball. The fact that you could take a HOF vote away from him as well really doesn't make sense to me. There are no amount of drugs that can give a person natural talent. Bonds and A-Rod didn't take the most or best drugs, they were already the best baseball players. Maybe their records and stats are bloated, but was there anyone close to them in talent and stats that didn't use PEDs that you think deserves to be in the HOF over them?

I am interested to see what other big names are on the list from 2003. Hopefully they release them soon. I would love to see the other big names in baseball supposed to be clean, like Griffey, Maddux, Glavine, Manny, etc.

I give A-Rod credit for being a man though and admitting he was wrong. That was the right move, regardless if it was partially untrue or scripted by his PR person. I don't know if I buy the whole 2001-2003 thing, but I don't think it could have been much longer than that.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

While I admire A-Rod for "coming clean", we can never be sure if this guy is telling the truth. He's lied on national TV before - what are the chances that he really only took PED's from 2001-2003, especially since his weight has increased dramatically since 2003? I think he is still not completely clean.

I come from a world where there is no gray area for bad decisions - in my Army unit if you test positive for drugs, you are kicked out of the military and often referred to the civilian courts. We have kicked out 5 people in the last 18 months. Drugs are bad and these cheaters, culture or no culture, don't deserve any break. While I understand that the record books will never be wiped clean, I can take comfort in how these chumps won't be voted into the Hall-of-Fame. These guys - many from outside of the United States - took one of the most cherished American pastimes and crapped all over it.

When a player uses PEDs, their statistics increase. This means that their salary increases as teams will pay more for better production. This, in turn, means that teams need to be able to pay these higher salaries - whether it comes from taking more money from the fans, allocating less money for players who play by the rules - someone is getting unfairly taken to the bank by these drug abusers.

It is also interesting and fortunate how just as the first players from the "Steroid Age" - McGwire, Canseco, etc. - were outed as users was around when they became eligible for the Hall of Fame. If the steroid scandal hadn't broken until this year or a few years later, some of these drug abusers would have made it into the HOF, potentially setting a precedent for other abusers to make it in.

I too would like to see the list of the other 100 or so users from 2003. Also, I read somewhere that this test was announced in advance and that these 100 players didn't care to stop taking their drugs. True, the test was supposed to be confidential, but these players should have used some common sense and known that having a positive drug test lying around was not a good idea. I am sure that many more than 100 players were abusers, but that the other players were at least smart enough to avoid the announced test.

Some names that I think would be on the list of 104 (some may already have been implicated, I'm not sure): Jason Varitek, Trot Nixon, Randy Johnson, Brett Boone... who else do you guys think?

Unknown said...

I don't think A-Rod has been using steroids for the past few seasons. I haven't seen this huge weight gain you're talking about. Plus he's only gained like 15-20 pounds since his rookie season.

So Rob, do you think that nobody who played in the majors from 1990 to 2005 should be eligible for the HOF? How can you tell who was clean from that era? And everyone's stats are thrown off by the "cheaters". Just cause someone didn't get caught, doesn't mean they didn't cheat.

Also, it sounds like you want to punish all of the steroids users. Do you realize that if we kicked out just the 104 players from that list, there'd be 4 less teams in the league. If you got a full list of any player that used steroids and kicked them all out of baseball, I bet the league would be down to less than 10 teams, or the talent level would drop tremendously and it'd be like watching AA teams. I realize people should be punished for breaking the rules, and the law, but in this case there is no way to do it fairly. You can keep the positive test guys out of the HOF, but who's to say there aren't already some in there? Are you certain Wade Boggs, Tony Gwynn, Goose Gossage, Rickey Henderson,
Cal Ripken Jr., etc., did not use PEDs at any point? If Canseco is telling any truth, then these guys were all still in baseball when PEDs were becoming popular.

Also, if A-Rod, Bonds, Clemens, etc. are not being inducted into the HOF, then guys who probably shouldn't be in the HOF will get more votes. Do the Craig Biggios and Carlos Delgados deserve to make it just because they weren't caught cheating?

Other names that I think/hope will be on the list:
Andruw Jones
Troy Glaus
Adrian Beltre
Derek Jeter
Luis Gonzalez
Shawn Green
Chipper Jones
Gary Sheffield

Unknown said...

I think Jim has nailed this point.

Rob your simplistic "drugs are bad" reasoning may be suitable in the military, but it is unfit for all of society, because everything is a gray area.

It is entirely likely that some of these steroids are harmless or even beneficial to users health when properly administered. Steroids are demonized while cortisone shots (a drug which enhances performance) are routine in baseball and go unnoticed.

These are adults and what they do with their body to earn a living is their own business. Its highly unlikely that proper doses of steroids can ruin a body as much as a career as an NFL running back, or several years of living off of McDonalds, but steroids are a big deal because they are a "drug".

I don't see how anyone can be content to their government wasting millions of dollars investigating this "scandal".

As for your economic analysis, you have it backwards: more impressive player means more fans go to the ballpark. More fans raises revenue, so there is more money for players, hence escalating salaries. MLB owners frequently like to pretend that rising salaries means that ticket prices must be raised as well, but ticket prices are set at what the management think the market will bear, players salaries are virtually irrelevant. Also, MLB players only take home 52% of the leagues revenue, the lowest of the 3 major sports or hockey.

Other points:

MLB recently passed the NFL in total revenue, so it seems that people voting with their dollars don't care so much about the roids.

Rob, you said some of the players are not American, but are tainting the records of America's past time, yet almost all of the biggests busts are American born and raised (A-Rod, Bonds, Clemens, Giambi, Pettite, Caminitti)

And, as for A-Rod, hey, at least hes not out there spreading full blown AIDS around like Roberto Alomar.

KOHO said...

Who is A-Rod?

Unknown said...

A-Rod is a wide receiver on the Steelers. He was just named MVP of the Super Bowl. Man you know nothing.

I love how Selig just made a statement that A-Rod "shamed the game". If there is one main person to blame for all this it is the freaking commissioner. He could have stopped this in the 90's, but chose not to in order to bring more fans to the games. Now he has the balls to tell the players they are wrong? What BS.

And Rob, thanks for jinxing Jerome Dyson last night. Just because you picked him to score more points than Price (I won that bet by the way), means it's your fault he got injured. Now he's probably out for the season and UConn will have to rely on Austrie. I think the championship just went bye-bye.

Man, I can't wait for our Derby.

KOHO said...

Thanks for the description of A-Rod Malone. For some reason I thought he was on the Ravens, so thanks for clearing it up.

Obviously Dyson's injury is huge, but I still think they have a shot.

Unknown said...

What an awesome site.

Roger, start working on getting a plane ticket or time off to come to CT for the draft on April 5th. No excuses.

Unknown said...

Yes, is going to be my website/blog and will be launched in the coming weeks in preperation for my deployment. I promise it will be better than Roger's derelict blog. Look to the website for all of your up-to-date information on me.

Roger, let me be the very first to wish you a happy Valentine's Day.

Unknown said...

Now that it really is Valentines Day, let me be the first one to OFFICIALLY wish you a Happy Valentines Day Roger.

KOHO said...

Roger, we leave for Vegas on the 24th. You still have time to arrange a flight and meet us down there. You can sleep in Malone and Michelle's bed.

Unknown said...

Roger you should definitely consider it, seriously... your round trip flight would only be $250 and you have can crash with us in Vegas. Also, Perrotti said he would buy your food and drinks for the week

Unknown said...

Koho just wants you to come in case there's an off-chance you will bring Maureen. You gotta watch out for that guy.

Unknown said...

Come on Roger I promise it will be the best $250 you'll ever spend

KOHO said...

Roger would also need to pay for the hotel and it would lower all our costs, but we can discuss it if Maureen is coming.

Unknown said...

Goodnight Roger. I'm about to brush my teeth then hop in bed. What's your preferred toothpaste? I might read a little before I go to sleep, the SI swimsuit edition came last week which I'm sure has some excellent articles, or maybe I will be more thoughtful and go for Newsweek. Anyway, I hope you have been reading all of our comments, especially about Las Vegas.

I'd like everyone to visit my band's website, or

Unknown said...

Good Morning Roger. What are you having for breakfast today? Do you usually eat breakfast? I only eat it about 50% of the days, and I always only eat it at work.

So the Mets are talking about the possibility of moving Reyes to the 3 spot and having Luis Castillo bat 1st and Beltran bat 2nd. I don't think that plan is very smart at all, but they probably won't do it anyways. Reyes wouldn't be bad in the 3-hole ahead of Wright, but we'd lack the power that a 3-hitter should have. Castillo needs to get it going, and maybe moving him up in the lineup like he is used to will help, but who knows.

I still want Manny.

KOHO said...

Good Evening Roger. I am about to eat dinner. What do you like to eat for dinner? Do you have a favorite food?

Are you having a good week?

Unknown said...

Good Night Roger. I hope you didn't watch the UConn game. It was pretty pathetic. It's a good wakeup call for them though and takes some of their ego away. They need to win out though to have any chance of winning the NCAA tournament. If they can beat Pitt on the road then they'll have the confidence going into the tourneys that they need.

Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite.

Unknown said...

Hey Roger, it is midmorning at work. I've closed a couple support tickets and drank some coffee so far, and talked to a few brokers. It's a fairly calm morning but that can all change in an instant. All of your old friends say hello.

Later today I think I'm going to go grocery shopping. Have you ever been to Stew Leonards in Newington? It is definitely the coolest grocery store around. I am thinking that I'd like to get take out sushi, but they also have these really good meatball grinders so it is going to be a tough decision.

I need to begin training for the 2009 Great American Athletic Derby of Bristol, Brought to you by TicketNetwork. I am going to begin a strict regimen of running, lifting, and calistenics. I am also going to work with my teammate, Jim Malone, to fine tune my basketball, tennis, and wiffleball games. The first event of the day is the one-mile run, which I think I will do realy well in and I am going to use it as a statement to break our opponents' will. I am going to try to beat Perrotti by 3 full minutes.

That UConn game last night was tough to watch. Pitt really beat Thabeet up, and we missed Dyson's ability to slash and hit from the outside. Luckily, not many teams can impose such a physical attack on Thabeet but the lack of Dyson is disturbing. Does anyone else totally hate Duke college basketball? They lose 2 games in 1 week - including a game against BC, who lost to Harvard earlier in the season - and their ranking only dropped 4 places. Why do people love this team so much every year?

Okay, that's enough for now, back to work for me. Have a nice day Roger, I will check in again tonight.

Unknown said...

Good Evening Roger. I just had some Taco Bell for dinner, and it was delicious. It always hits the spot. Do you like Taco Bell? Do they even have it in Ohio? If not, then I feel for you.

Rob, Michelle actually went to Stew Leonards for the first time last week and loved it. I haven't been there myself, but she said it was very strange and different from a normal grocery store. We will be going back sometime, that's for sure. Probably after Vegas though.

And I also agree with you on your hatred for Duke. They should barely be in the top 25, let alone the top 10. America seems to love Coach K though and all the white boys that Duke usually has. That's fine with me though, as long as UConn remains ranked ahead of them.

Have a goodnight everyone. I can't wait to hear from you all in the morning.

KOHO said...

Good Night Roger. I had a long rough day today, so I am going to sleep. Did you have a tough day? I hope not, as I wish nothing but the best for you. How is the job search going? I hope to hear from you soon. And please don't be shy to give me a call if you need to talk about your troubles.

Unknown said...

Jim what a coincidence! My plans changed, I did not go to Stew Leonards, and I also had Taco Bell tonight! The cook there tonight did a really good job, my Chalupas had significantly more filling than they normally would so this pleased me. Why was Michelle grocery shopping without you when she went to Stew Leonards?????

Roger, since you haven't replied to us in a while I assume you won't be joining us in Las Vegas. This is too bad, and it's never too late for you to reconsider, but time is running out to book your flight. Those of us who are going, however, are very excited. I hope you had a good day today, and I hope Maureen is well. Just like friend Kohanski said, if you ever feel like you need to talk to someone about anything, just give me a call. This is in no way meant to compete with Kohanski's offer, I just want to give you more options.

You better be flying or driving out here for the baseball draft on April 5, we've given you plenty of advance notice of this.


Unknown said...

Good Morning Roger! I hope you slept well. I had some crazy dreams, but I can't remember what they were about. For some reason I never do. Are you like that Roger, or can you remember your dreams in detail? I kinda wish I could, at least for the good ones.

My Taco Bell was really good too Rob. They must be bringing in top chefs from around the world. At least we know they won't be going down due to the recession.

Perrotti and Koho, Rob's and my training regimen starts on Friday. You better watch out. You'll probably see some significant improvement by the time we go to Vegas. Remember, we said NO drug testing.

KOHO said...

Good Mid-Morning Roger. I hope you did not have trouble waking up for work today. Do you have a nice alarm clock? Since you like Star Wars, I think your clock should say, "Luke, I am your alarm clock, it is time to get up."

Rob, I heard a story that there is an iPhone app that lets you count cards for Blackjack. While counting cards is not illegal, counting cards on a device is illegal. Vegas and all casinos have been notified of people doing this and they will pull you from the table if they think this is going on. User beware. If you get this app and win, you owe me 45% of your winnings.

Unknown said...

Hey Roger, have you ever experimented or used any drugs or any kind of illegal substances? Just wondering. Anyway, have a good night and we all hope to hear from you soon.

- Rob

Unknown said...

Morning Rog. How is Maureen doing? Is she a doctor yet? I bet you can't wait so that you can finally quit your job. I can tell you're gonna be one of those stay-at-home dad's, but without any kids. Have a wonderful day today. Vegas = T-5.

Unknown said...

Good Morning Roger. And in case I don't get back to the blog today, Good Afternoon, Good Evening, and Goodnight.

KOHO said...

Good Morning Roger. Have you had a lot of snow this year? We have had a decent amount, but at least it has been quiet for a little while, except all of a sudden it came down really heavy last night. It was strange. I just don't want you to slip on some ice and hurt yourself. Be careful!!

Unknown said...

Roger I think everyone is getting worried that we haven't heard from you recently. Are you okay? Please let us know. We care about your welfare.

Me and Malone had our first team practice yesterday for the 2009 Great American Athletic Derby of Bristol, Brought to you by TicketNetwork. We focused on basketball and we also did some pull-ups for upper-body work. We also discussed the other events and our strategies and training plans. The team is meshing together nicely and looks forward to taking additional time for training in the upcoming weeks.

KOHO said...

Good Afternoon Roger. Do you have anything fun planned for thing weekend? I love when the weekend rolls around but it goes by so fast. I hope you get the most out of your time off.

Malone and Robs training doesn't bother me much. It just shows how scared they are of my team. Perrotti has been pumping iron and can clearly bench 250-275 right now. That will come in handy for ladderball.

Please write soon so we know you are ok.

Unknown said...

Good Morning Roger. Have you figured out if you can come to CT for the keeper league draft yet? Are you still looking for a job, so you won't know for a while? We really hope you can make it. It's more fun making fun of your picks when you're here in person.

Rob's and my training session went rather well. However, I was pretty sore the next day just from playing basketball. Apparently I used muscles that I hadn't used in a while. Anyways, Rob and I are going for the complete sweep in the derby, so that is why we need to practice. Koho and Perroti have no chance as it is.

Unknown said...

I <3 Roger

Unknown said...

Yo quiero Roger y Taco Bell.

KOHO said...

Roger, I think I may need to call you to make sure you are alive. Are you ok? Are you out of rehab yet?

Unknown said...

Roger, we are off to Las Vegas tomorrow morning. I hope to see you there. Goodnight.

KOHO said...

Roger, What time will you and Maureen be arriving in Vegas tomorrow? We are in room 476 at the Imperial Palace, the hotel where all your dreams come true. I hope to see you there.

Roger Kuhrt said...

Wow, you don't look at a blog you stop writing and come to find 40 something messages on it. Pretty funny. I hope you guys are having fun in vegas and I enjoyed the picture of Perrotti on the airplane. Good stuff.

Unknown said...

Yes... I'm the first to post since we got back from Vegas!!!

Roger, you missed a good time. We all lost in gambling, but it was still fun. I'm glad to hear that you will be in CT for the draft. Are you driving or flying in?

KOHO said...

Rob, I would have called you, but I really don't want to speak with you for a couple days. Please check your car as you are leaking fluids (oil stains in the driveway). There was quite a bit for only 5 days, doesn't look like a slow drip...

And welcome back to your blog Roger.

Unknown said...

Good morning Roger. I'm glad you finally read your blog, but now you need to answer all of the questions that we asked you. You should just write one long post doing so.

Also, what do you think about Derick Ward going to the Bucs? I think Jacobs needs a reliable backup so it could be interesting.

Rob has a girlfriend, and his car apparently leaks a lot of oil. I think it's time to get away from the Jetta and get a Scion TC.

KOHO said...

This blog really died.

Unknown said...

I'm still waiting for the next post from Roger.

Unknown said...

Yeah Roger needs to answer all of our questions

KOHO said...

It's not going to happen. I think I might delete this page as a favorite. Maybe we should hijack his facebook page to get him to respond.

Unknown said...

Good Morning Roger. Notre Dame Sucks.

KOHO said...

Roger, are you too busy watching wrestlemania to respond?

Unknown said...

Thank you West Virginia!!!!!

Unknown said...

Roger, the UConn men and women are both #1 seeds. How did Notre Dame end up this year?

KOHO said...

Did Roger stop reading this?

Unknown said...

Does it even matter? I think it's fair to say that he contributed the least to this blog anyways.

KOHO said...

The title of his blog, "I can't think of anything creative" is the most valid statement of this whole blog for Roger. It should also be called, "I can't respond in a timely manner or care about my readers".

Unknown said...

Rob, how is your guard duty going? We miss you here in Bristol and can't wait until you return. I hope you still check this blog once in a while.

KOHO said...

Rob, please come home.

Unknown said...

Don't worry everyone, I'm home now. You can all go back to your normal lives. I can't wait for the fantasy baseball draft this sunday

KOHO said...

Hi Roger. It's too bad you are going to miss the METS game on Sat. It will not be the same without you. This game will be fun.

Unknown said...

Haha good one Koho.

KOHO said...

Roger, can you tell me how the draft was? I know everyone was very excited to see you.

KOHO said...

Am I the only reader left?

KOHO said...

Happy Easter all faithful readers of the blog!

KOHO said...

So, are we still on for On The Border tomorrow at 6:30?

Unknown said...

Yeah, we're on. You are a loyal reader Koho.

Our network is down at work, basically the only thing we can access is the internet. But all of our websites, internal systems, etc. are down so that's why I'm wasting time and checking this blog again.

Go mets!

Unknown said...

Yes, OTB at 6:30 sharp. Bring a date.

Rob you're a sucker for staying at work. It's glorious at home.

Roger sucks major ass.

Unknown said...

Post 70!

KOHO said...

Happy Tuesday everyone. How is the prep for the derby coming along?

Unknown said...

Happy Earth Day and Administrative Assistance Day to all!

The derby preps are coming along swimmingly. Rob is finishing up his tennis camp and next week I will be attending ladder ball camp to see if I can hone my skills some more.

Roger, you really should be around for the massacre Rob and I are going to lay on Koho and Perrotti.

Unknown said...

Wait, we have to play tennis????

KOHO said...

The roof is on fire

Unknown said...

Hey Roger - I just saw a commercial that said DirecTV has had the #1 rated customer service 8 years in a row (not Dish Network).

Could you please comment on this?

Unknown said...

Roger, I know you watched the NFL draft last night. Was it a mistake, or did I see 4 UConn guys taken in the first 2 rounds and 0 Notre Dame players? The Fighting Irish suck, lets just face it.

KOHO said...

UConn Rules, Notre Dame Drools

KOHO said...

Who is pumped for the Mets game on the 19th....of September?

Unknown said...

I hope you guys have a good time at that Mets game. I must say the Mets have looked really terrible so far this season. It was sad how Putz, part of their amazing new bullpen, blew the game for Santana the other night. Their starting pitching is a complete disaster, Perez and Hernandez are clueless and my fantasy guy Maine has been awful. Their sluggers aren't hitting anything out of the enormous new stadium. I hope they are able to turn it around since you guys (Roger, Malone, Kohanski) get so much joy when the Mets are succeeding (even though we all know they will eventually choke and miss the playoffs). The Red Sox, on the other hand, are looking just amazing, recently climbed to number 1 in the Power Rankings. They have Bowden and Buckholtz pitching lights out in the minors, Masterson going back to the already strong bullpen when Dice-K comes off the DL, and Smoltz waiting in the wings. They have the best pitching and close to the best offense in baseball

Derby in 9 days!

Unknown said...

First off... I am stoked for the September 19th Mets game against the NL Powerhouse Nationals. It will be a good time. Now onto Rob's ignorance...

13-0? How does the best team in baseball lose that badly?

The Mets haven't looked great yet, but it's only a month into the season. Their pitching is actually not necessarily their weak point. Putz blew one save, which every team does once in a while. He also leads the team in holds, and K-Rod is still perfect, unlike Papelbon and Rivera. Santana is ridiculously good, as you should know, but Maine and Pelfrey have looked sharp in their last starts. Obviously Perez has to improve or go, so this could be his last start coming up. And for a 5th starter, Hernandez is doing his job and keeping the Mets in the game. They just need to start hitting with men on base, and Wright needs to get his head out of his ass.

Don't critique a team unless you've actually been watching them.

Unknown said...

Sorry I forgot to mention that Maine's last start was 6.0 IP, 1 W, 4 K's, 0.00 ERA, 0.67 WHIP. You whould know you're own fantasy guys.

And the Mets may not be homering in their new park, but they are tripling like crazy. They had 9 triples in a 9 game span by 9 different players. That's pretty exciting. Citi Field is definitely a pitchers park unlike the bandbox that the new Yankee Stadium is. It depends on what type of baseball you like, and in the NL we prefer pure baseball.

KOHO said...

Yea, Rob, don't diss the Mets. They are building for the long term and a shaping up to be the next MLB powerhouse team.

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing your informed opinion with us Koho

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Not as bad as Sugar Land

KOHO said...

Wu Tang Rules

Unknown said...

The Derby is tomorrow! Don't you wish you were participating Roger?

Unknown said...

I can't fucking wait!!!!

Unknown said...

The San Juan Taquitos are victorious!!!! A recap will soon follow.

KOHO said...

I wonder if that has anything to do with not having the LVP on your team?

Unknown said...

2010 Derby Events:

100 Meter Dash
110 Meter Hurdles
200 Meter Dash
300 Meter Hurdles
400 Meter Dash
800 Meter Run
1600 Meter Run

KOHO said...

Sure pick all the running events...I am going to have a new partner for 2010, his name is Usain Bolt. How do you like that.

Unknown said...

If you can get Bolt on your team, then we'll agree to take you on. Otherwise you'll have to find another opponent. We should probably change teams up as it is. Maybe we can change the format around and add people/teams.

KOHO said...

I beat malone in the mile run.

Unknown said...

Perrotti I heard that you missed one of the Yankees recent walkoff victories because you left the game early to beat the traffic. Did you at least beat the traffic? I hope you did.

Also, when do you guys want to view the Derby video? We have Mens Basketball, Mens Punt/Pass/Kick, Mens Tug of War, and Mens Penalty Kicks. I'm not available Friday - what about Thursday???

Unknown said...

Well the Derby took place a couple weeks ago, but it's never too late for a recap. I would appreciate any additional comments/quotes/stories from our competitors. Roger, you must read this whole re-cap. It would mean a lot to us.

Well let me start out by saying that the Derby was an overwhelming success. The weather did not want to fully cooperate, but we were able to work around it. This was a very long day, and everyone was exhausted by the end of it, but all parties had lots of fun. Now on to the results.

The Derby was contested between the:
San Juan Taquitos - Rob Smith and Jim Malone
and the:
Ponies - Chris Kohanski and Jim Perrotti

- 7:15 - The Derby started with a 30 minute rain delay, which was used to take some photos of the San Juan Taquitos and the Ponies. See them on Facebook if you haven't already.
- 7:45 - One Mile Run (1 point event) - Won by the Taquitos - Rob Smith dominated with a 7:09 mile. Chris KohMANski came in second with a 7:33 mile. Jim Malone came in third with a 7:48 mile. And poor little Jimmy Perrotti gave a pitiful performance and DID NOT FINISH. He only "ran" three of the 4 laps, and he walked part of one. The Ponies should have been disqualified from the whole Derby just for that, but the Taquitos were not worried so they let it slide. (Results after 1 event - Taquitos 1, Ponies 0)
- 8:15 - Two On Two Basketball (2 points) - Won by the Taquitos 2 games to 0 - These were 2 very physical games, played on a rain soaked court. It's amazing no one got hurt, other than a few scabbed knees and maybe a slight concussion or two. The first game started off very close, with the Ponies taking an early 4-1 lead, but the Taquitos came roaring back and won 11-8. Both parties believed to cut the second game's total points needed to 9 instead of 11 due to the concern of injury and the threat of more rain. After another back and forth start, the Taquitos pulled away again and won 9-6. There was a lot of physical play between Koho and Smith, but Smith got the best of that battle. The Taquitos were able to show their dominance early in the derby, despite missing about a dozen layups and going 1 for 20 or so from 3-land. (Results after 2 events - Taquitos 3, Ponies 0)
- 9:45 - Punt, Pass & Kick (1 point) - Won by the Taquitos 3 of 3 events - This wasn't really much of a competition. Rob Smith dominated both the punting and passing portions of this event, winning both by at least 10 yards. The field goal kicking event came down to a kick-off between Koho and Malone, after Perrotti lost first, and then Rob followed. Koho surprised everyone, making each distance on the 3rd and final attempt each time. But Malone ended up finishing the sweep after Koho finally failed his attempts. (Results after 3 events - Taquitos 4, Ponies 0)
- 10:30 - Tug-of-War (1 point) - Won by the Taquitos 2 pulls to 0 - With the rain coming down lightly, the tug-of-war competition proved to be not much of a contest for the Taquitos as they easily took the first 2 pulls. It was at this point you could really see the hearts of the ponies hit the floor. (Results after 4 events - Taquitos 5, Ponies 0)
(To Be Continued)

Unknown said...

- 11:00 - Wiffleball HR Derby (1 point) - Won by the Taquitos 5 to 2 - After another small rain delay, the HR derby took place at one end of the Bristol Eastern track so that a fence would come into play. There were 3 rounds of 5 outs per contestant. After the first round, there were 0 HR's so the plate was moved closer to the fence for more drama. (Rob Smith did hit one that literally landed on the top of the fence and bounced back into play in the first round, but that's the only one that came close). With the fence 5 or so yards closer, the second round started seeing some action. Rob led off with 2 solid HR's. Malone followed up with 1 to take a 3-0 lead. Koho choked big time with 0 HR's again, but Perrotti was able to pull the ponies within a point by hitting 2 no doubters. In the third round Mr. Smith was shut down, but Malone was able to tack on 2 more insurance HR's to make it 5-2. Koho, again, failed to hit any HR's. So it came down to Perrotti needing 3 HR's to tie. He had a couple close ones, including one that was rejected at the wall by Rob Smith in full extension, but failed to hit any HR's, so the win again went to the Taquitos. (Results after 5 events - Taquitos 6, Ponies 0)
- 11:30 - Tennis (1 point) - Won by the Ponies 10-3 - The Ponies finally showed up at an event with the Derby halfway over and were able to avoid the sweep. They didn't have much trouble making quick work of the Taquitos, mostly due to the lack of racket skills by a Mr. Rob Smith. It stayed close at the beginning with the Ponies leading 4-2 when a large downpour caused the match to be delayed for half an hour. But after that delay, the Ponies took over and quickly put away the Taquitos. (Results after 6 events - Taquitos 6, Ponies 1)
- 12:00 - Penalty Kicks (1 point) - Won by the Taquitos 10-4 - The Taquitos again showed their dominance with a 10-4 victory over the ponies in the soccer penalty kick shootout. With a combination of some nice saves and pinpoint accuracy, Rob Smith and Jim Malone once again took control of the Derby. (Results after 7 events - Taquitos 7, Ponies 1)
- 12:30 - Lunch Break - The Ponies got their first break of the day when lunch came around. Both teams enjoyed some tasty 5 Dollar Footlongs from a local SubWay establishment. Along with the footlongs, both teams started downing their 6 mandatory Bud Lights. Looking back, it was probably the alcohol that kept the Taquitos from total dominance.
- 1:30 - Bocci (1 point) - Won by the Taquitos 22-20 - This was perhaps the closest contested event of the whole Derby. It was a back and forth match for most of it, but the Taquitos ended up getting off to a 9 point lead at one point. However, the Ponies fought back valiently and brought the game to a 20-20 tie (winner had to get to 21 and win by 2). In the end, the Taquitos control of the Pallina was too much for the Ponies and Smith and Malone picked up another victory point, which in hand guaranteed them the Derby championship. (Results after 8 events - Taquitos 8, Ponies 1)
- 2:15 - Ladderball (2 points) - Won by the Ponies 2 games out of 3 - With the championship already in the bag for the Taquitos, the Ponies earned some respect by not quitting and finishing out the competition. The first 2 games of ladderball were very evenly matched, with the Ponies taking the first game 21-15 and the Taquitos winning the second game 21-20. The 3rd game turned out to be as lopsided of a ladderball game we've seen with the Ponies winning 21-3. This is where the beers may have finally taken full effect over the Taquitos since all 6 were had by each competitor at this point. In fairness, the Ponies were also feeling the effects of the alcohol, but found a way to handle it better. That being said, there was a lot of laying on the grass between throws for a certain Mr. Kohanski and Mr. Smith. (Results after 9 eevnts - Taquitos 8, Ponies 3)
(To Be Continued)

Unknown said...

- 3:15 - Setback (2 points) - Won by the Taquitos 2 games to 0 - With the weather not cooperating, the Mini-Golf event had to be cancelled and it was agreed upon by both parties that a best of 3 game of Setback would take it's place. The Taquitos showed that alcohol couldn't affect their card playing, and won rather convincingly 11-7 and 11-9. (Results after 10 events - Taquitos 10, Ponies 3)
- 4:30 - Bowling (2 points) - Won by the Ponies (scores not recorded) - Two games of bowling were played by the Taquitos and the Ponies, who were joined by honorary refferee for the day Michelle Malone. The exact scores were not written down to my knowledge, but perhaps the other competitors remember them. The Ponies got off to a large lead after the first game though, due to a terrible 89 by Jim Malone and a couple of 120+ point games by Koho and Perrotti. The second game made the total scores closer but Koho's bowling dominance took over as he won the second game even though Malone bounced back with a 140+. It's too bad the Ponies were already out of it, as this would have been an exciting finish. (Results after 11 events - Taquitos 10, Ponies 5)

So the final result was the San Juan Taquitos won convincingly 10-5. The Ponies showed there was no quit in them though, as they were able to at least put up a respectable 5 points. It will be interesting to see what changes will be made for the 2010 Derby, but a change of teams will probably be required.

OK I wrote enough, please respond with your comments.

Jim Malone - Co-Winner of the Derby

KOHO said...

How was your time in CT Roger. I am sorry I did not get to see you.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Unknown said...


KOHO said...

This is just gay counting posts now. Please post some content in you message. 104!!

Unknown said...

Toilet Warming Party in T minus 4 days!!!! I am absolutely going to wreck your toilet Koho. I hope you got insurance on that thing.

KOHO said...

Sorry Malone, it has already been destroyed. I mean, I had no toliet for over two weeks.

Unknown said...

Excellent toilet warming party Mr. Hanski. Thanks again for all of your hospitality. I'm sorry that your new lady friend doesn't respect your property and put holes in your wall. Some friend she is.

The Mets are very exciting to watch and very difficult to understand. I still like them.

Unknown said...

You guys need help

KOHO said...

Welcome to the conversation Jim P. I think you need to visit more often and contribute to this blog. It has really taken off since Roger does not read it anymore.

KOHO said...

I am looking forward to seeing you Roger at Rob party tomorrow.

Unknown said...

This party is going to be off da hook. I can't wait to see Jess again. There better be some wiffleball, tichu, rock band, skinny dipping, and a slip and slide.

KOHO said...

Roger, where were you at the party? Malone was out of control!!

Unknown said...

Roger just got a new job everyone!!! He is no longer with Dish Network. He is now working for some electricity and/or lighting company where he's doing customer service and working to become the manager there. This is straight from the horse's mouth.

Unknown said...

Congratulations Roger! I hope you find happiness wherever life takes you. Please tell us more about this major life event as soon as possible.

KOHO said...

This is Roger posting from Koho's name. That bum gave me his password for some reason. I can't wait to start the new job. Thursday is my last day at the old one. It is a very exciting time for me as I feel I am entering a new stage of my life. While it is still customer service, I am hoping to become a manager someday. I know my people skills are mad cool, but I want to take this process slow and develop my skillz.

Unknown said...

Thank you for that update Roger. I feel enlightented.

Roger, do you have any comments on the state of the Mets this season and what they can/should do to fill the wholes of all their injured superstars?

Unknown said...

Roger, so nice to hear from you again! How is your relationship with Maureen going? Also have you had a chance to check out the new extended cut DVD of Jericho Season 2?

KOHO said...

This is Roger again posting from Koho's name. Malone, I don't know what the Mets are thinking lately. I think they need to step up or get out.

Rob, Maureen is better than ever. I can't wait until you meet our twins we just had. They are so cute.

p.s. Jericho Blows, I like As the World Turns.

Unknown said...


KOHO said...

Thanks Malone (This is Roger again posting from Koho's name). We will live a long and happy life together and create many many kids. We would like to have 14 children and name them all something related to ND football. I think Rob should not go and I will hire him as a full time nanny of our children.

Unknown said...

Roger, I am leaving you. I have found a bigger, better blog and will no longer be a part of yours. I wish you the best in your future endeavors. If you need me, I'll be at May the force be with you, and also with you.

Unknown said...

KOHO said...

Roger, can you tell us a little about how the wedding planning is going?

Unknown said...

Yes Roger, do you have a date set yet? Is Maureen wearing a white dress? What color tuxes/vests are you planning on? You better get a move on, you'll be married before you know it, and then it's the end of Roger as we know him.

KOHO said...

I miss you Roger

Unknown said...

Roger you missed a great party. Rob drank his Mike's Pink Hard Lemonade and loved every minute of it.

KOHO said...

Roger, Perrotti misses you and want you to come home.

Unknown said...

Roger come visit me in Iraq

Unknown said...

When's this coming back?

KOHO said...

I heard Roger was going to start posting again on Sept. 13th.

Unknown said...

Way to get us all excited for nothing Koho. I was on my computer all day yesterday, refreshing every 5 minutes, in anticipation for Roger's next blog post. It's now September 14th and still no post.

I guess I just have to continue reading!

KOHO said...

Malone, we will be ahead of the curve when this blog takes off again.

Unknown said...

Roger, sorry but I think you missed the draft lottery in fantasy baseball by not finishing in the last 3 places, sorry.

Guys, I've heard from sources high up in the U.S. Government that Roger will post on this blog sometime on October 12th.

Unknown said...

Rob, you had false information. It is now October 14th, and Roger still has not posted. I am going crazy in anticipation of his next post.

KOHO said...

I have also checked on the 14th and there is no post. I wam worried about Roger.

Unknown said...

Sorry, I meant November 12, Roger will next post on November 12.

Unknown said...

3 more days... I can't wait.

KOHO said...

2 more days...this better be a great post. I have been waiting for a while.

KOHO said...

Did I miss the post? Maybe he put it up on the 12th and took it down on the 13th?

Unknown said...

UConn OWNS Notre Dame! Hahahaha.

KOHO said...


Unknown said...

Hey Roger, I have something very important to tell you. Please write a post on this blog so that I know you'll see what I have to tell you when I write it.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Roger, I was talking to Imran yesterday and he wants to know why your blog is dead. He was devastated when he found out. So you really need to start it back up, just for him.

Unknown said...

Roger, if you post on your blog in the next five days - I will give you $100.

KOHO said...

Are you coming home for the holidays Roger?

Unknown said...

Roger's got Marueen's money... what does he need $100 for?

KOHO said...

Merry Christmas Maureen!

Unknown said...

Happy New Year everyone! It's time for a fresh re-start to this blog.

KOHO said...

This blog is the place to be (after

Unknown said...

I have heard from a confidential source that this blog will start up again on February 9th, after an exactly one year layoff.

KOHO said...

Thats amazing that we have kept this up over a year after it stopped. He really needs to check back here and catch up.

Unknown said...

Roger, who do you like for the Super Bowl?

Unknown said...

He has a lot of catching up to do Koho. Also, Perrotti is lame for not posting on here with us.

February 9th Roger!!!

KOHO said...

Are you coming up for the draft Roger?

Unknown said...

Who trades Wright for Morneau, honestly?

Unknown said...

Roger, is it true that Maureen is pregnant? Is it your child?

KOHO said...

Roger, we need a comment the post above. This is a very important matter.

Unknown said...

Roger you dog.

Unknown said...

Welcome to the party Perrotti

KOHO said...

I heard we are going to have a snowstorm your draft day. 38 inches.

Unknown said...

What a coincidence Koho, there is also a 38 inch storm in my pants.

KOHO said...

Better clean that up.

KOHO said...

I think Rob is home.

Unknown said...

Hey Roger we had a great casino trip today, if you had checked your blog maybe we would have told you about it and you could have come and won some money with us - your loss

Unknown said...

Roger, come back to CT... I miss you already. And Koho reaaaallllly misses Maureen already.

Unknown said...

This blog sucks

Unknown said...

This is the only post I'm going to comment on for the rest of eternity.

Unknown said...

Way to lie to us Roger and not start the blog back up. I'm disappointed.

Unknown said...

So, the big question is... is Maureen pregnant yet?

Congrats to Roger on his wonderful wedding. Now go back to Ohio.

Unknown said...

Roger, way to make all of those World Cup bets and not bet on Spain. Sure if Holland won it would have been a nice pay day, but even the octopus knew that there was no chance Spain was losing.

Unknown said...

Hellooooo, anyone home?

Unknown said...

The bell must not work. Try knocking.

Unknown said...

In less than 2 weeks we are going to be IN OHIO and there is nothing on this blog about it? Clearly you don't care if we visit at all. I'll have to reconsider.

Unknown said...

Still nothing on the blog about our awesome Ohio trip. Roger, you are a disappointment to mankind.

P.S. Your dog sucks.