Thursday, December 18, 2008

Ehhhhhhhh, yeah

Listen, the last post was not me going corporate or anything like that. In fact, I don't know if I'm allowed to write anything bad about dish so I might be screwed already, ha ha, but I will say this. We don't do a lot of things right, but when it actually happens you have to give credit where credit is due. And the slingbox was doing something right, for once. And yes, I'm aware that's its been around for a few years but I believe the new ones are not that old, so there. When I finally get a new computer the next thing I plan to get a slingbox.

It was nice to hear CC talking about looking for his new house and when the realtor asked what team he played for he said the Yankees and he had the nice fuzzy warm feeling about saying that when a week ago he said that he didn't even want to play there. Yeah, right CC. We all believe you. You couldn't wait to play for the Yankees. I thought that was nice.

Also funny on yahoo they have a list of 11 teams that almost had different names. And of course the Mets were one of them. It was an interesting list. Here's the link to the story
I think my favorite is what the Raptors were almost called. Ha ha. I got a kick out of that.

Joe Horn was brought in by the Giants to try out but we didn't sign him. There was an interesting article on deadspin about how Joe Horn thought he was brought in to trick the other receivers into believing that he was going to replace them. Personally I think it would have been a good tactic because we've sucked the past two games. The receiving corp could use something to get them to play better. Lets hope it actually rubs off.

It's nice to know that the Mets hired someone like me to spell the new AAA team's name.

Well, that's all I've got for now. And remember, Jesus didn't tap.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like the New York Burros. Then there would have been another reason to make fun of the Mets.

The Buffalo Bisons isn't that big a deal. Sports teams are allowed to be grammatically incorrect and have strange names. Look at the Red Sox, White Sox, and Toronto Maple Leafs for example.

It looks like big Tex is going to the Red Sox. I'd rather they get him than the Yankees or anyone in the NL. The Mets still need a pitcher, and I'd like to see them sign Lowe. It'd be nice to seem them go after Peavy. I'd be stoked if they got him. He's too expensive though. They won't give the Padres what they want.