Wednesday, February 27, 2008

More things that I'm looking forward to....

Yup, I'm going to run with this idea for another day. It probably won't be as good, but oh well! I'm going to look at movies that I'm thinking of seeing and how badly I want to see them. Once again, rated out of 5.

The Happening - Another M. Knight scary movie. I've liked all of his movies before, don't know why I wouldn't like this one. It seems pretty interesting, but the whole suicide thing is kinda strong, if you ask me. But, he hasn't disappointed yet, so I'll watch it. The last movie he made was okay, so I'm thinking he's going to rebound pretty strong here. Rating: 4 out of 5

Fanboys - Yeah, I could totally see myself in this movie. For all of you who have no idea what this movie is about, the plot is about a group of guys who like star wars waaaayyyyy too much. One of them gets really sick so they decide to travel to the Lucas Ranch and try and see the movie before it comes out. It seems to be pretty funny. Rating: 3.5 out of 5

Wall E - Well, it's a pixar movie. When have they gone wrong? Really, can anyone tell me when they have? I really can't think of a bad movie they made. I've only seen the teaser trailer, but it looks pretty good so far. Plus, it has space ships. Rating: 3 out of 5

Big Stan - Come on, it's Rob Schneidder! I love his movies. Not only are they really bad, but they're amazingly funny, if that's possible. Honestly, how did he not be up for an oscar for his acting job when he played a high school girl in the Hot Chick? Honestly, what happened there? Anyways, the plot seems funny and I know Rob will come through. It is his first time directing, but I think he'll do a good job. Rating: 3.75 out of 5

The Mummy: Toom of the Dragon Emperor - You know, I've really enjoyed the first two movies. I thought the cast worked really well together and the minor characters always seem to be really funny. Unfortunately Rachel Weiz will not be in this movie :-( so lets hope the new girl can hold her own. As long as the brother in law is in this movie, I think it'll be good. Plus, Jet Li's in it. Rating: 3.5 out of 5

X-Men Origins: Wolverine - This movie looks like it could be really sweet. Or really really suck. It's going to be one way or the other. Wolverine is my favorite X-Men character so I'm hoping it's good. I'm wondering if they're going to stick by what's been written in the comics or just make up his origin? Also, are they going to make other Origin movies? That would be pretty sweet if there were a bunch. Can they please have Gambit in one of these movies? Would it really kill them to have him? Honestly. Rating: 4 out of 5

X-Files 2: Apparently the trailer was leaked onto the net, but I was too late in trying to see it. This was by far my favorite tv show when I was a teenager. Boy Meets World, Lois & Clark, The Animated Batman & X-men shows round out the top 5. I just wonder if Mulder and Sculley can pull it off and I wonder if there will be a sequel? I heard it's just going to be like a really long tv episode. We'll see. Rating: 4 out of 5

Indiana Jones & the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - You know, every Saturday on the History Channel @ 7am they show the Young Indiana Jones Chronicals. They're okay, so you know I'm about to die waiting for a really kick ass Indy movie. Nothing against the tv show, I think it's good and most of the shows have been watchable, and I'm a big Sean Patrick Flannery fan, but it's not the Indy we know from the movies. So, we'll see what happens here. Can Harrison Ford still bring it? How will Shia LaBeof be acting with along with the biggest movie star he's acted with so far in his career? The trailer looked sweet, but it was just the teaser. Rating: 5 out of 5

The Dark Knight - You know, I really wanted to see this movie badly before, but after Heath took his life I've wanted to see it even more! I wasn't completely convinced of him as the Joker, but after what happened, I can see how much of himself he put into this role, unfortunate as it is. The first movie was awesome and I think this one could be better. One thing I'm hoping for, DON'T KILL THE JOKER! I always hated how they killed the bad guy in the other movies. I wonder if we'll get the Riddler in the next movie and can we have Jim Carey reprise his role? Please! Rating: 5 out of 5

Terminator Salvations: The Future Begins - Yeah, I'm a big Christian Bale fan. I can't wait for the next Batman movie, but even more, I can't wait to see what he does as John Connor? The plot seems pretty cool, the human race is fighting back after Judgement Day. I wonder why they didn't ask Nick Stohl to reprise his role as Connor? I mean, I love Bale as him, but I thought Stahl did a great job in T3. Does that mean there's no Claire Danes in this movie? We'll see how this plays out, but I can't wait. Rating: 5 out of 5.


Unknown said...

I had no idea most of those movies were coming out. But I'd probably see all of them. I too would like to see them put Gambit in a movie. I don't get why he hasn't been in one yet.

Roger Kuhrt said...

Yeah I know, Gambit is kick ass. They showed a picture of him in the 2nd or 3rd movie. Oh well.